CE 433 2023 Spring
Lab 3
Name: Anders Burdick-Levang

Email: aaburdicklevang@fortlewis.edu

Lab  #3

1. Complete the tasks in Sections 1. Show your code, explanation, and demonstrate it in an embedded video.

Task #1:
Part A

Part B

Part C

Part d

2. Complete the tasks in Section 2. Show your code, explanation, and demonstrate it in an embedded video.
Task #2

3. Similar to the example in Section 2, show running LEDs on all 16 LEDs. Show your code, explanation, and demonstrate it in an embedded video.
Task #3

4. Similar to the example in Section 2, change the frequency of the 4 running LEDs to half second and demonstrate it in an embedded video.

Task #4:

5. Complete the task in Section 3. Show your code, explanation, and demonstrate it in an embedded video.

1. Complete the task in Section 4. Show your code, explanation, and demonstrate it in an embedded video. (30 points)
Task #1:

2. Show "FLC" on three of the display units. Show your code, explanation, and demonstrate it in an embedded video. (30 points)
Task #2:

I'm not sure why the other letters wont show, i've compared my code to other students and there are very few differences. It's strange. I believe it's either the result of aboard that flawed, or the the fact that I'm using the latest version of vivado.

3. Roll "FLC" to the left for every half second. After "F" shifted out to the left, it should appear on the right hand side. Show your code, explanation, and demonstrate it in an embedded video.

TASK #3: