CE 433 2023 fall
Name: Anders Burdick-Levang

Email: aaburdicklevang@fortlewis.edu

HW #2

1. Work on the following problems: (20 points)
a. What are the fixed point representations of the following decimal numbers? Display your calculations and results on a paper and take a picture of it as an embedded image on your website.
20.25 in UQ16.16
128.5 in UQ16.16
0.125 in UQ.16
-38.125 in Q15.16
-50.0625 in Q15.16

b. What are the floating point representations of the following decimal numbers? Display your calculations and results on a paper and take a picture of it as an embedded image on your website.
0.141 in half precision/format
3.625 in half precision/format
-15.25 in half precision/format

2. Repeat the simulation work in Section 5. Demonstrate your results in embedded videos on your website.

3. Repeat all the FPGA experiments in Section 7. Demonstrate your results in embedded videos on your website.

