CE 433 2023 Spring
Final Project
Name: Anders Burdick-Levang

Email: aaburdicklevang@fortlewis.edu

Final Project

For this final; project, we were tasked with combining all of the skills we learnd this semester. We needed to design a verilog chip that would take analog signals from a potentiometer, or any other analog input and convert it to be sent via SPI to an arduino which was then read and sent to the serial terminal.

For my project, I first worked to ensure SPI comunicatrion, which I used the information in this resource to create: https://www.yilectronics.com/Courses/CE433/lectures/week10_SPI/week10_SPI.html
was working and able to comunicate with an arduino. Then it was a simple matter of taking the analog input and adapting it to be sent via SPI protocol.

The following is the resulting verilog code:

Then the Arduino code can be seen here:
This code reads/writes once every second to make the value readable.

Then here is a video presentation of it all working.

Conclusion: This was a very fun, yet challenging project that helped reinforce many of the things we learned this semsester.