CE 432 2023 Fall
project 1
Name: Anders Burdick-Levang

Email: aaburdicklevang@fortlewis.edu

Homework #2

The following page contains the work done for homework #2.

1. Take some photos by itself:

The photos above showcase the completion of task #1

2. Customize photo names:

This is a photo of photos with an altered name from the default showing the date and time

3. Take photos with a pushbutton

The picture above show that 5 pictures were taken with a pushbutton

4. Use a webserver to take pictures:

Above is a photo of my hand being displayed on a esp32 based webserver

5. Web Server SD Card Photo Manager: Capture, View, and Delete:

6. Take photos and send notifications:

Above is a photo taken by the esp32cam and sent through email.

7. Take photo and email photo with a web server:

The photos above demonstrate an email being sent from a webserver contianing an image.

8. Take and Sennd Photo to Telegram App:

The photo above shows that pictures taken from the ESP32cam wer sucessfully sent to Telegram.