CE 432 2023 Fall
project 1
Name: Anders Burdick-Levang

Email: aaburdicklevang@fortlewis.edu


This first project involves connecting an esp32 camera to the web to stream video. This first part streams the video and boxes faces when identified.

The code used is an example sketch which comes with the board in the IDE.

This picture shows the video being streamed to the web address.

After connecting/streaming to the web address, face ID was enabled to test whether the face ID was working or not.

After verifying the example code worked, the code was modified to allow for the esp32 CAM to remember faces.

By enabling facial recognition in the web UI, The board was able to remember faces if told to do so which can be seen in the next image.

The next part of this assignment used the built in LED flash. The board has a super bright flash LED connected to pin 4 on the esp32. Modifying the button example sketch, the flash can be toggled on of off with the button switch.

The Final part of this project saw the use of PWM (pulse width modulation) to create a diming effect to the light and control the brightness.

The code for the diming is here: