CE 351 2023 Spring

project 2-4

Name: Anders Burdick-Levang

Email: aaburdicklevang@fortlewis.edu

Heart rate monitoring system

This page contains information regarding the design and construction of the heart rate and oxygen tracking system. There is also information regarding running a workshop for high school students to learn about electronics and device construction.

To the right is the bill of materials (BOM) for this device. The total came to be about $21. Charging each student $50 will produce $29 profit per student. If the workshop had 20 students, you would see a profit of $580. The workshop will only last a few hours if all the components are pre-assembled. The students will come, choose their device enclosure and receive all the needed parts to assemble their device. The final product the students will create is a small, customizable device that can monitor someone's vitals.

To the left is a test flier to hand out to potential clients and to generate interest in the workshop. There is information missing, but that will be added later once the project is complete.