CE 351 2023 Spring
project 3
Name: Anders Burdick-Levang

Email: aaburdicklevang@fortlewis.edu

LCDs and Sensors

Task 1: Display the 'Hello World!' starting from the second rectangle on the same line.
Task 2: Count to 5 and then reset to 0, then start over:

Task 3: Given that the command 'lcd.clear()' will clear out everything on the LCD. Modify the code to implement the scrolling text as presented in the video below:

Task 4: Repeat the work above, show room temperature on the LCD. Use your finger to warm it up see if it changes.

Task 5: Modify the code to display in the form below. Simply blow at the sensor to change the temperature and the humidity to test it. Show a demonstration video in your report.

Task 6: Repeat the work above to display temperature data from TMP36.

Task 7: Modify the example code to match your new remote controller. (The example code). You do not have the datasheet for the new remote controller available. The way to decode it is to just press every button on the new remote controller and look at the response on the LCD. Just map the code for the key to the actual function assigned/printed on the key on the remote controller.

Task 8: Repeat the work in the demo video above, show your result in a VIDEO for the report.

Task 9: Use the barebone ATMega 328p to build a portable digital temperature meter. Use an Interrupt Service Routine to update the temperature display. The temperature/humidity sensor is the DHT11, the display unit is the 4-digit 7-segment display.
Record a video for the report.