CE 351 2023 Spring
project 5
Name: Anders Burdick-Levang

Email: aaburdicklevang@fortlewis.edu

Power Supply Soldering

This project is a follow up to an earlier one where we designed a power supply. I intended my design to be as compact as possible while using as few switches as possible with a shape that would easily conform to a breadboard.

The soldering of the board was done using solder paste and a heat gun. My first attempt, I added the through hole components first becasue that was the soldering style I was familiar with. Later I learned that this was a mistake because some of the components would melt when hit with a heat gun. After soldering the SMD components to the board, I replaced the damaged ones and was able to finish the board and test it.

The testing showed the board functioned as expected allowing me to change between 5v and 3.3v with 1 switch and 3A to 1A with another switch. This was measured using a multimeter. The two switches that control the amperage can be switched together because they both control the same thing and 1 will always be off.