CE 351 2023 Spring
project 4
Name: Anders Burdick-Levang

Email: aaburdicklevang@fortlewis.edu

PID Control

Task 1:

This task required us to alter the example code given to oscillate the data around a fixed point. We first had to measure the amient light to estrablish a base line.

Measured ambient light intensity: 563

Once that was completed, the code was modified and the analog data collected from pin A0 was plotted.

Task 2:

This next task saw the data collected be plotted with a python script which would produce a clearly labled graph.

Task 3:

The final task saw the mopdification of more example code to fix the "setPointChange()" function which resulted in incremental  increases to the data when the added button was pressed. This data was also plotted uning the same python program.