CE432 Fall 2023
Homework 1
Name: Cheyenne Tucson
Email: crtucson@fortlewis.edu

Homework 1

Task 1

Using the ESP32-CAM module with an external antenna to cast video to a local web server to implement facial detection and recognition.

Using the facial recognition feature, I was able to enroll my face and demonstrate the detection functionality.


The version needed to get this to work was esp32 v1.0.6 by espressif

Task 2

The on-board LED used for the camera's flash feature was controlled via pin GPIO 4. This is demonstrated in the video below and script "blinkLED.ino"

A pushbutton was implemented to control the on-board LED. This is demonstrated in the video below and in script "pushButtonLED.ino"

Now pulse-width modulation was used to control the brightness of the LED. This is demonstrated in the video below and in the script "pwmBrightnessLED.ino"

Script Files

The script folders and files for each task are in a zipped folder titled "homework1" in the "scripts" directory nested within the "CE432" directory.