Week 6 Video Graphics Array (VGA)

1. Basics

The video graphics array (VGA) is a display standard used in the CRT and LCD monitors. The Basys3 board has a VGA port

In the VGA, the display is formed of pixels (picture elements). These are grouped into horizontal lines. Horizontal lines placed on the screen form a frame. Therefore, a pixel location has both horizontal and vertical coordinates. One standard VGA display size is 640 × 480 pixels. This should be read as follows. The display is formed of 480 horizontal lines each holding 640 pixels.

The time needed to display a single pixel is determined by a pixel clock. Hence, pixels in a horizontal line are displayed by the successive clock signals. When end of the line is reached, the display should continue with a new line. This is set by the horizontal synchronization signal. When all lines in a frame are displayed, a new frame should be formed. This is set by the vertical synchronization signal which also defines the refresh rate of display. The horizontal and vertical synchronization signals depend on pixel clock by definition. Moreover, the monitor needs some time before applying horizontal and vertical synchronization signals. This is called front porch. Similarly, we should wait for a certain amount of time after displaying pixels in a horizontal line and frame. This is called back porch.

Every pixel has red, green, and blue (RGB) values in the VGA. As mentioned in Chap. 3, the VGA connector on the Basys3 board allows these RGB values to be represented by at most 12 bits. In this scenario, the RGB values get four bits each. Hence, a pixel can have one of 2^4 × 2^4 × 2^4 = 4096 different colors. One can also use eight bits to represent the RGB values. Then, the RGB values get three, three, and two bits, respectively. Hence, a pixel can have one of 2^3 × 2^3 × 2^2 = 256 different colors.

Read through this PDF to understand the VGA protocol.

You must be wondering why the R, G, and B channels are only on pin for each? We will show a figure later in the tutorial.


VGA industry standard timing:

Please note in the tables above, the column "Pixles" or "Lines" show the number of clock cycles but not the number of pixels. These are certain number of cycles to wait the previous lightened pixeled to be reset.
In this case, the X axis in the following figure is "time".

2. Repeat the example in the textbook

Apparently, R is 3 bits, G is 3 bits, and B is 2 bits. However, the figure on the top of the page only has 1 pin for each color?
The reason is these 1-pin signal lines are Analog voltages, the Artix-7 FGPA has a simple resistor array uses superposition as a Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) to convert it to analog.

Create a clock generator module using the IP Catalog:

After the clock module is created, double click it in the source list. You can find the order of the ports in the module is 'output, input'. In this case, the example code of the top module from the textbook didn't do wrong in instantiating the clock module:

Create a distributed ROM to store the image file. Different from the Block ROM we used in the previous chapters, the distributed ROM doesn't have a clock input.

The depth doesn't have to be 8000. I opened up the test_image.coe file in gvim and find that it only has 6000+ lines. I used 8000 as the depth which needs 13 bits of address. This is in line with the 'reg [12:0] pixel_addr' variable defined in the VGA controller module.

Don't forget to load the image file. Here is the image file.

It was able to show the image on a monitor:

3. Modify the code

Change the code to display a blank white background on the monitor. You must use all the 4 bits for each color to show an accurate RGB color on the monitor. The RGB chart can be found here. For white, it is simply 4'b1111 or 4'hF.

Similar to, switch between R, G, and B, three solid colors, the interval of color change is 1 second.

Task 1: Repeat the work in Section 2. Show the code, explanation, and a demo video. (20 points)
Task 2: Replace the clock generator IP with a self-made clock divider module that generates 25MHz clock. Demonstrate that it works for the rest of the circuit.Show the code, explanation, and a demo video. (20 points)
Task 3: Complete the two examples in Section 3. Show the code, explanation, and a demo video. (60 points).

1. An alternative VGA controller for Basys 3 board
2. Module instantiation
3. VGA timing
4. The constraint file
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